Friday, 19 May 2017

types is energy

Types of Energy - complete the chart

Energy is due to position or movement of an object - Kinetic and Potential
Forms of energy
What is it?
Kinetic energy
Energy in movement
Ping pong ball, Cricket ball
Mechanical energy
Makes things move by workable moving part or parts
Wind up toy, scissors
Thermal energy
This heat is generated by the movement of tiny particles within an object.
Magnetic energy
Energy from attraction of objects made of iron
the Earth's magnetic field and the starter in a car.
Electrical energy
the movement of electrical charges. Everything is made of atoms, which in turn are made of a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons.
electricity and lightning.
Potential energy
Stored Energy

Gravitational energy
Energy stored in objects held above the earth’s surface
a pen sitting on your desk, a person on top of a building
Elastic energy
The potential mechanical energy stored in the configuration of a material.
Chemical energy
Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds
Nuclear energy
The energy stored in the center of an atom
Nuclear power plant - provides electricity

Kinetic vs Potential Energy

this is done on our research on kinetic vs potential energy 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


This is our hexagon photo based on Newtons law 

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Rail trail

I couldn’t stop thinking about how far it will be or will i be able to make it. The self doubts were getting to my head when i remembered I made it to the top of Corkscrew I can do this.

When we got to the motukarara rail trail on friday 24th of march I was dreading biking the whole way but we had to do it for fitness and a challenge.

Once we got there we unloaded the truck  and got into our gear we waited for the adult’s to arrive back and ate morning tea. When they got back wendy called a meeting.

After the self doubts past i look around all i can see are beautiful black swans swimming on a toxic lake. There was a slight breeze making the water ripple around me.

When we split into groups we were 2nd to last as we left the size of the group dwindled. It was a cruise ride to the halfway point where we had lunch.  

For lunch we climbed to the of a cliff and looked out over lake elsmere we spent about an hour eating lunch and exploring. When we were done eating we got on our bikes for a tiring final 8km. I could not feel my legs by the end of it.

Overall i don’t know why i was dreading it, it was fun and a challenge.